Board Certified Periodontist

5 – How Joining the US Air Force Changed Me Part 1

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How Joining the US Air Force Changed Me Part 1 I joined to get my dental education paid for, but little did I know how profound a transformation in my life personally and professionally this experience would be.

2 – Let’s Be Honest

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Podcasts are a mixture of personality and content. I talk about full disclosure, so you know better who you are listening to.

1 – This Pod’s For You

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My idea about how this podcast might help you with the management, not only of periodontal disease should you have it, but health in general.

20 – Written Documentation and Communication

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We all have things that interest us or challenge us, and today I would like to share with you one of those topics that I have thought about and worked to refine in myself, and that is the area of communication. To be even more specific, I would like to focus on professional communication – […]

Flossing and the Unhealthy Mouth

case of floss

What if it’s too late?What if you already have a mouth full of problems? Does flossing lose its value?I am afraid the answer is “yes,” but only temporarily…if you make the right moves. Flossing aids in preventing disease, but it is completely inadequate when it comes to treating it. You see, there comes a point […]

14 – Active Therapy Options

the perio hygienist podcast cover

You are listening to the Perio Hygienist Podcast – a podcast centered on the intersection between the specialty of periodontics and the profession of dental hygiene. My name is Dr. Ben Young. I’m a practicing periodontist in San Antonio, Texas. Today I would like to talk about the LANAP Protocol, what it is, how it […]