Flossing and the Unhealthy Mouth
What if it’s too late?What if you already have a mouth full of problems? Does flossing lose its value?I am afraid the answer is “yes,” but only temporarily…if you make the right moves. Flossing aids in preventing disease, but it is completely inadequate when it comes to treating it. You see, there comes a point […]
14 – Active Therapy Options
You are listening to the Perio Hygienist Podcast – a podcast centered on the intersection between the specialty of periodontics and the profession of dental hygiene. My name is Dr. Ben Young. I’m a practicing periodontist in San Antonio, Texas. Today I would like to talk about the LANAP Protocol, what it is, how it […]
11 – Patient Instructions
We have been talking about the Supportive Periodontal Therapy appointment going through it step by step. The final step before dismissing the patient is to give some feedback. I have titled this podcast as Patient Instructions. Before we go there, think back with me to your training and how you gave patient instructions upon graduation. […]
Managing the Unfairness of the Coronavirus
The coronavirus is dramatically changing the way we individually behave, or at least are allowed to behave. For some of us, it means more work – beyond what seems fair. And for others, like myself, it means that the ability to work and earn a living have been shut down. Add to this the uncertainty […]
6 – The Bleeding Index
This is the Perio Hygienist Podcast – a podcast centered on the intersection between the specialty of periodontics and the profession of dental hygiene. And the information being provided to you comes from a periodontist clinician, not an instructor. I think this is an important distinction for how best you might consider my advice. My […]
5 – Periodontal Probing in Real Life
This is the Perio Hygienist Podcast – a podcast centered on the intersection between the specialty of periodontics and the profession of dental hygiene. My name is Dr. Ben Young. In this installment, we will think about Periodontal Probing in Real Life. We all know what it’s like to have to do an examination on […]
The 80/20 Rule in Dentistry
When it comes to your mouth, you and your dentist have different roles and responsibilities. This short video explains how most people get this wrong — at their own expense.
3 Ways Laser Beats Surgery for Treating Periodontal Disease
As a board certified periodontist for decades, I consider the introduction of laser energy into the treatment of periodontal disease to be revolutionary. Other treatments certainly work well, but watch the video to see laser’s edge. Learn more about Laser Gum Treatment >>
Alzheimer’s Disease and Gum Health
New research is finding a possible link between Alzheimer’s Disease and a specific organism found in the mouth and associated with periodontal disease. Dr. Young discusses this findings and how important it might be.