40 – Digging Deeper Into COVID
![the perio patient podcast cover](https://dryoungperiodontics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/perio-cover.png)
If we are to follow the science, then let’s look at some of the numbers and see what we can understand that may not be clear from what we are hearing from all the sound bites.
39 – Where We Are With COVID?
![the perio patient podcast cover](https://dryoungperiodontics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/perio-cover.png)
The thoughts and ideas of one periodontist. Let’s take a brief trip down Memory Lane.
38 – CE and COVID
![the perio patient podcast cover](https://dryoungperiodontics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/perio-cover.png)
The thoughts and ideas of one periodontist. This is a brief update and I talk a little about Vitamin D. More to come from the information I picked up at this meeting as i go back through it in the upcoming weeks.
37 – Your Back Teeth
![the perio patient podcast cover](https://dryoungperiodontics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/perio-cover.png)
We are continuing our tour through the teeth. In an earlier podcast I went through the different front teeth for adults and children. In this episode we get into the bicuspids and molars. Finally, how do all the teeth function together? I explain why you need them all (except for wisdom teeth).
36 – COVID-19 and Face Masks
The thoughts and ideas of one periodontist. Should everyone everywhere where Face Masks in order to keep the virus from infecting people? Let’s get practical and think this issue through. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-c…
35 – COVID-19 and Hand Sanitizers
Today, let’s think about viruses because it’s on our minds. It worries a lot of people and rightly so – but we will get through this. COVID-19 is like other cold and flu or influenza viruses in many ways. It isn’t even unique in that people don’t die from these other viruses. They do. What […]
34 – The Foundation of American Healthcare
![the perio patient podcast cover](https://dryoungperiodontics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/perio-cover.png)
Well today I want to step way back and to talk about a subject that all of us living in the United States share – whether we like it or not. And it actually relates directly to my professional and personal life as well as yours, because it is the environment in which I practice […]
33 – Your Front Teeth
![the perio patient podcast cover](https://dryoungperiodontics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/perio-cover.png)
You have twelve front teeth. Six on top and six on bottom. You have twelve front deciduous teeth before these. Allow me to introduce you to them in a little more detail. Come sit next to me in an early tooth anatomy class in dental school.
32 – Refined Sugar and Tooth Decay
![the perio patient podcast cover](https://dryoungperiodontics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/perio-cover.png)
The biggest cause of tooth decay is refined sugar because bacteria can use it without effort to run their machinery. It is their favorite food. Once it has been used by these organisms, it is turned into an acid that begins to dissolve the hardest substance in the body, tooth enamel.
How To Get Straight A’s in College
![a plus on test](https://dryoungperiodontics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/how-to-get-straight-as.png)
This isn’t a joke and I can help if you seriously want to get straight A’s. But here’s the deal. If you decide not to follow my advice, and you don’t get straight A’s you will not whine or complain. You will admit to yourself and others that you chose the grades you got. Deal? […]