45 — Happy Veterans Day
So is it Veterans’ Day or Veterans Day? Here’s your answer. Thank you to all who have served our Nation in the military.
44 — Frequency Versus Intensity
If you are a perfectionist, you need to listen to this — perhaps over and over — until it makes “perfect” sense. Daily habits are more important than what we attempt to do to manage life every once in a while. Routines should be simple and low stress. To get to this level of management […]
43 — When Patients Handle Insurance Companies
If you want to get the most out of your dental insurance it will require changing your mind about who is best suited to handle communicating with the insurance company. Most patients defer all of this complicated insurance stuff to the dental office. Rather than do this, why not use the dental office as a […]
25 – The Father of Periodontal Medicine
This is Dr.Young. It is truly rare that a scientific journal like the Journal of Periodontology will publish a tribute edition to one man but it did so recently. I find these types of publications extremely useful because they give me an opportunity to step away from the monthly publication of research and look at […]
What is Thanksgiving Anyway?
Thanksgiving is an interesting holiday. For one thing, it falls on a Thursday. In this way it’s considered more important than, say, President’s Day which falls on a Monday. This is because most people take at least 4 days off for Thanksgiving and only three days off for President’s Day (if they are lucky to […]
42 – Responsibility as a Lifestyle Choice
The thoughts and ideas of one periodontist. The best healthcare comes to those who assume responsibility for participating rather than expecting things to workout. So much really depends on the patient’s attitude as to whether or not they will be able to achieve and then maintain a good quality of life and health.
41 – What is a Root Canal?
Here I get into the differences in the pain that comes from within a tooth and the pain associated with the area around the tooth.
40 – Digging Deeper Into COVID
If we are to follow the science, then let’s look at some of the numbers and see what we can understand that may not be clear from what we are hearing from all the sound bites.
39 – Where We Are With COVID?
The thoughts and ideas of one periodontist. Let’s take a brief trip down Memory Lane.
38 – CE and COVID
The thoughts and ideas of one periodontist. This is a brief update and I talk a little about Vitamin D. More to come from the information I picked up at this meeting as i go back through it in the upcoming weeks.