66 – About Fear

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Hi there. You are listening to the Perio Patient Podcast, a podcast for my patients and anyone else who cares to listen. My name is Dr. Ben Young, and I am a periodontist practicing in San Antonio, Texas. The title of this podcast is: “About Fear.” Welcome if this is your first time listening. Otherwise, […]

65 – About Relationships

the perio patient podcast cover

Hi there. You are listening to either the Perio Patient Podcast or the Perio Hygienist Podcast, podcasts for my patients or professional colleagues and anyone else who cares to listen. My name is Dr. Ben Young, and I am a periodontist in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. The title of this podcast – which […]

64 – Roadblocks and Enemies

the perio patient podcast cover

Hi there. You are listening to the Perio Patient Podcast, a podcast for my patients and anyone else who cares to listen. My name is Dr. Ben Young, and I am a periodontist in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. This is podcast Episode 64 and I have entitled it “Roadblocks and Enemies.” Welcome if […]

63 – Practice Principle Number Three – Be Skeptical

the perio patient podcast cover

Hi there. You are listening to the Perio Patient Podcast, a podcast for my patients and anyone else who cares to listen. My name is Dr. Ben Young, and I am a periodontist in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. This is podcast Episode 63 and I have entitled it “Practice Principle Number Three – […]

62 – Practice Principle Number Two

the perio patient podcast cover

Hi there. You are listening to the Perio Patient Podcast, a podcast for my patients and anyone else who cares to listen. My name is Dr. Ben Young, and I am a periodontist in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. This is podcast Episode 62 and I have entitled it “Practice Principle Number Two.”Welcome if […]

12 – Thoughts about Scaling and Root Planing

the perio hygienist podcast cover

Let’s talk about scaling and root planing but do it a little differently. You already know what it is and you know how you do it – what works and doesn’t work for you. All I really can do to help you is to give you a few, possibly, new thoughts on the subject. This […]

61 – Practice Principle Number One

the perio patient podcast cover

Hi there. You are listening to the Perio Patient Podcast, a podcast for my patients and anyone else who cares to listen. My name is Dr. Ben Young and I am a periodontist in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. This is podcastepisode 61 and I have entitled it “Practice Principle Number One.” If this […]

60 – The Pareto Principle

the perio patient podcast cover

Pareto principle Hi there. You are listening to The Perio Patient Podcast, a podcast for my patients and anyone else who cares to listen. My name is Dr. Ben Young and I am a periodontist in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. This is podcast episode 60 and I have entitled it “The Pareto Principle.” […]

59 – My Favorite Composer

the perio patient podcast cover

Hi there. You are listening to the Perio Patient Podcast, a podcast for my patients and anyone else who cares to listen. My name is Dr. Ben Young and I am a periodontist in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. This is podcast episode 59 and I have entitled it “My Favorite Composer.” The overall […]

10 – Cleaning Steps in Supportive Periodontal Therapy

the perio hygienist podcast cover

You are listening to the Perio Hygienist Podcast. A podcast situated at the intersection between the dental specialty of periodontics and the profession of dental hygiene. My name is Dr. Ben Young and I am a periodontist practicing in San Antonio Texas. The content of this podcast is professional in nature and is intended to […]