47 – Benjamin Young’s Thoughts About Flossing, Prophies and TS Eliot

Hi, Dr. Ben Young here and you are listening to the Perio Hygienist Podcast, a podcast for my professional colleagues and anyone else who cares to listen. I live in the beautiful city of San Antonio in the great state of Texas and I do normal periodontist things along with living a life that involves music, camping and reading.  

Today I will talk about poetry believe it or not.   

But first, let’s talk prophies. This past week I had the opportunity to meet with many of my friends both dentists and physicians, people who I have worked along side for many years now, at the annual Fall Banquet for the San Antonio chapter of CMDA. I’ve talked about this organization before so will try not to repeat myself too much here. I was privileged to sit with a number of dental students, none of whom I believe had ever been at this banquet in the past. We missed last year due to COVID. 

So we had the opportunity to talk about dental school and where they all were at this time in the process. A few had just started and a few are coming close to completing the four years.  

And because they know I am a periodontist, they ask me periodontally related questions, hoping that some of this might help them in treating patients. And one of the questions, the one that has stuck with me since then, and I have talked and written about in the past, had to do with the prophy procedure. So let me explain a few things I think are important and useful about patient care and dental as well as dental hygiene education. 

What I can tell you from my perspective can help you, once you have graduated, and you will need to listen to me very carefully in order not to misunderstand and in order to be free of the trauma of education.  

That’s it. Let me know what you think if you care to.  

This has been the Perio Hygienist Podcast and I am still Dr. Ben Young. Thanks for listening.